Moments Worth Protecting

From gold standard disinfection to protecting Australians for generations from germs, Glen 20 aims to bring people closer together and celebrate moments that matter
Moments Worth Protecting

Our Purpose

Glen 20 strives to deliver the gold standard of disinfection with our partnerships acting as an extension of our purpose to support vulnerable Australians. As one of the country’s leading disinfecting brands, Glen 20 has been helping protect generations of Australians, by working to prevent the spread of germs, for moments worth protecting.

Who are Meals on Wheels?

Meals on Wheels enables elderly and vulnerable Australian community to live at home, independently. Life expectancy in Australia is increasing, however, wellbeing in later life can be threatened by loneliness and social isolation. For more than 70 years, Meals on Wheels Australia has been tackling this by providing a range of services to build connection and enable independent living through their services, such as nutritional meal delivery services, weekly community connection days and wellbeing checks.

Moment Worth Protecting

Our partnership with Meals on Wheels this year is about supporting the protection of our vulnerable community members and their ‘Moments Worth Protecting .’ Good hygiene allows for good conversations and the ability to share and protect special moments from now and in the past.


Check out some of the amazing stories below from real Australians sharing the impact Meals on Wheels has had on their lives:

Fred, 90

Fred came to Australia from Germany in 1954. Not knowing anyone in Australia and unable to speak the language, he attended a German club to get to know people. This is where he fell in love for the first time. As soon as Fred met Gwendolyn, he knew she was the one and asked her to marry him three weeks later. For 62 years they did everything together. When Gwendolyn passed suddenly, Fred felt a void without her. Not knowing what to do to keep busy, Fred decided to join the Meals on Wheels community. Here he found people to truly connect with and has made a group of friends he looks forward to seeing every week.

Frank, 94

Frank was born in Croatia and came to Australia with his young family in 1969. He worked as a bricklayer to provide for his family. Now at 94, he has a lot more time on his hands and keeps busy with his hobbies: beekeeping and working on his garden, both of which he is extremely proud of. Frank attends Meals on Wheels every week; he loves the interaction and connection he gets with the other clients and volunteers. He has developed a special bond with one of the volunteers, Amber. He brings her lemons from his garden in exchange for using the photocopier in the Meals on Wheels office and they exchange stories about their lives. But shh don’t tell anyone...

Helen, 75

Helen lives independently. She has been a widow for 26 years, losing her husband of 28 years, just two weeks before her daughter’s wedding. Helen has been trying to keep herself busy ever since. Meals on Wheels has become an integral part of Helen’s social life. She has a place of social connection to look forward to every week, playing bingo with her friends at the community centre, and having lunch with others who she can relate to. Helen’s friendliness and bubbly nature is loved by clients and volunteers. She also loves to dance and isn’t afraid to show off her moves!

Meals on Wheels Volunteers

Anna, volunteer

Anna facilitates bingo at Meals on Wheels – this is a role she takes very seriously as it’s a favourite weekly activity for clients! Clients enjoy friendly competition and excitement when they hear their number called out. It’s all in good fun, and the clients love to celebrate each other’s wins. They love the prizes too which often include household items such as toilet paper and Glen 20 cans. Anna enjoys interacting with her clients and it makes her happy to see her clients find joy with a fast-paced game of bingo and hot cuppa.

Diane, volunteer

Diane is making a difference in her client’s lives. As a volunteer at Meals on Wheels, she has made connections with many clients and is known to care for them and remember “the little things.” Diane’s warm and bubbly personality makes clients feel valued, cared for, and loved. Diane recalls a client who lived by herself and was particularly lonely. This client would sit by herself most days and Diane persisted for weeks by caring for her and showing her kindness. Now when that client see’s Diane, her eyes light up and she is interacting with other clients. For Diane, volunteering is all about making a difference, however big or small it may be.

Why we partner with Meals on Wheels?

Glen 20 supports the power of connection and the importance of germ protection. Since COVID, there has been a heightened awareness of the importance of hygiene and the need for germ protection. While the pandemic has helped educate Australians, it has also increased isolation, due to the fear of infection and general disease, particularly within vulnerable and elderly communities.

Glen 20 continues to partner with Meals on Wheels to ensure the health and wellbeing of vulnerable community members. Support in monetary donations and product donations helps overcome hygiene barriers and enables Meals on Wheels to conduct their services with peace of mind that their clients are protected from germs and illnesses. Clients and volunteers can safely enjoy trips on the community buses, playing bingo in groups and quality time during wellbeing checks and meal deliveries.

History of the partnership

Thanks to your support, we have been able to donate 3 million $ worth of donations over first 3 years of partnership...and this is just the beginning.


Glen 20 donated $1 million (AUD) worth of hygiene packs featuring Glen 20 products
Glen 20 donated $1 million (AUD) worth of hygiene packs featuring Glen 20 products


Woolworths, Glen 20 and Pine O Cleen partnered to donate 50,000 hygiene packs

Woolworths, Glen 20 and Pine O Cleen partnered to donate 50,000 hygiene packs


Glen 20 delivered 100,000 Glen 20 cans to vulnerable Australians to help #canloneliness

Glen 20 delivered 100,000 Glen 20 cans to vulnerable Australians to help #canloneliness


Every purchase of Glen 20 during August helps contribute up to $400,000 worth of funds, Glen 20 Cans and Pine O Cleen wipes. Our work with Meals on Wheels in 2023-24 will also help support 20,000 wellbeing checks.

Glen 20 partners provides 50,000 Hygiene Packs

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